CLIXRESEARCH supply research information to manufacturers of new products all over the world! CLIXRESEARCH are extremely proud of their reputation and can only maintain it by using reliable volunteers who are keen and interested in Consumer Research.

ClixResearch Volunteers help to develop products and contribute toadvertising standards. By joining our team of Volunteers you too can try the world's newest products free of charge. Your opinion matters!

You and your family will have the opportunity to test many new products in the comfort of your own home. We hand-pick new products that you like to use! All you need is your own email address, and a long-term home address and a telephone number.

All trial products have already been tested for safety but we want to know whether they work or not or whether you think they could be improved. No products have been tested on animals.

There's no catch! Just free products for quality evaluations for as long as you remain interested! Enter here


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