As an organization and as individuals we strive to be a reflection of the following. These are essential matters in the life of a follower of Jesus Christ:
  • The Bible is God's personal introduction of Himself to all the people of the world. It is authoritative on all matters that it speaks. It exists as both a boundary and map for approaching life and its challenges.

  • There is only one God, the creator of heaven and earth, who exists eternally as three persons - Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Each is fully God, yet each uniquely distinct and identifiable from the other.
  • All people are created in God's image and matter deeply to Him. The core message of the Bible is that God loves people.

  • A very real part of that love is the capacity that has been given to all people to enter into an intimate relationship with God and in caring community with each other.

  • A caring creator offers choice in response to His expression of love and care. Sin may be a response. It separates man from God and destroys relationships.

  • At the heart of the Bible is the presentation of God's only Son, Jesus Christ. As He died on the Cross He was and is God's only solution to a sinful, alienated, hurting world. Through His bodily resurrection, He is also God's only salvation to human beings, individually and personally. He is the provider of forgiveness.
  • The Holy Spirit exists to point mankind toward Jesus Christ. He is present in all believers to enable them to live Christ-like lives and gives them spiritual gifts both to serve the Church and to reach out to a world in need.
  • Discipleship to Jesus Christ is the greatest opportunity human beings have in life and the only hope corporate mankind has of solving its insurmountable problems.

  • There is a final reckoning. It is in the eternal plan of God for mankind. There is consequence for sin and the promise of eternal fellowship with God for those followers of Jesus Christ.

  • A primary purpose of the church is to further God's missionary purpose in neighborhoods and nations.

  • The local church, at home and abroad, was established to be a reflection of God's character. It exists to draw people to Christ and enhance their lives through intentional discipleship.

  • Through worship, instruction, prayer and bearing with one another in community, we are to reestablish Christ as living teacher in the midst of His people.
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